Diploma in HIV Medicine

Applications for September/October 2024 are now open.

A full diet of the DHIV exam (both the Bo5 and OSCE) will take place on the following dates:

BO5 (on-line) - Tuesday 24 September 2024
OSCE - Tuesday 8 October 2024

The BO5 Paper lasting 3 hours is now conducted fully on-line. Candidates sit the examination using their own computer equipment and access the examination remotely via a specialist platform. Live remote invigilation is provided using a webcam and strict guidelines are followed, replicating the situation that would normally have occurred had candidates been present in the examination room. Candidates will be contacted directly by TestReach with full details and instructions to sit the BO5 examination.

Please select the Academic Shop above, choose the DHIV payment option, select the exam entry you require and finish payment. You will then be directed to our online platform Brightspace to complete your application.

Established 2002

In response to a perceived need from clinicians, and in consultation with BHIVA and BASHH, the Society instituted a Diploma in HIV Medicine. It is also recognised that a significant number of HIV Medicine practitioners come from a non-genitourinary medicine background, and care has been taken to design both the syllabus and examination to reflect only core knowledge in specialist areas that all HIV physicians should be able to demonstrate. This may include practitioners working in gastroenterology, genitourinary medicine, infectious diseases, thoracic medicine etc.

The examination is designed for registered medical practitioners who have had substantial, regular and continued clinical experience with HIV medicine over at least a 2-year period (or part-time equivalent) at Specialty Trainee level or equivalent.  This should include practice within the last 5 years to ensure currency of knowledge, incorporating experience of both inpatient and outpatient care.

The examination is mapped to the GUM, HIV and Epidemiology & Public Health competencies of the Specialty Training Curriculum for Genitourinary Medicine 2022 which was approved by the General Medical Council on 9th April, 2022 with an implementation date of 1st August 2022, issued by The Joint Royal College of Physicians Training Board (JRCPTB) www.jrcptb.org.uk

A "Pass" result for a single part of the exam may now be retained and re-entry to only undertake the remaining part be permitted within a period of 2 years.  Please refer to the Administrative Guidance for Candidates for further information.

Applications for entry to the September/October 2024 DHIV BO5 and OSCE are now open.

The DHIV examinations will take place on the dates below:

BO5 (on-line) - Tuesday 24 September 2024

OSCE - Tuesday 8 October 2024

Please select the Academic Shop above. Choose the DHIV payment option, select the exam entry you require and finish payment.

Academic Policies and Information for Candidates

Examination Review and Appeal Procedure The Society's Review and Appeal Procedure gives information about feedback, review and appeal. Candidates who seek a review or appeal should note that there is a fee payable, the amount of which is given the the relevant Guide to the Diploma, including the Regulations and Curriculum.

Candidate Code of Conduct

Candidate Misconduct Policy

Candidate Plagiarism Policy

OSCE example - Starting ART

BO5 example

Examiners List

Pass Lists

Useful links