Round blazer buttons with rhino design – 22mm
Sold individually
Selection of portraits and pictures from the hall in black and white by Dai Walters – former Bedel to the Society
A detailed book about the Art of Apothecaries Hall by by Dr John Ford, Liveryman in full colour
Information regarding the Society of Apothecaries Gaining a Charter
A bundle of three past Society publications including, Chemical operators, Pracktic Part of Physick and The London Apothecary by Cecil Wall
Interesting objects in Apothecaries Hall
10 Trumpet Christmas Cards
Pack of 8 gargle coasters, contains two designs
Blue cravat with rhino print
Designed for Society Members
Blue enamel rhino cuflinks
Society Rhino Cummerbund to fit’s up to 36″ waist
Mouse mat with society arms pill tile design