Osler Lecture 2018

Dr Noel Snell (Speaker)

The Osler Lecture was inaugurated in 1967 and is named after Sir William Osler, the great medical humanist and historian.  It is normally given by the student who gave the best dissertation in the Diploma in the History of Medicine.

Lecturer:  Dr Noel Snell, FRCP, FFPM, FRSB, FLS, DHMSA
Lecture title: “Stevens’ Cure for Consumption-The Strange Story of Umckaloabo”

(Above: left to right)  The Court and Speaker: Mr Nicholas Wood, Professor Martin Rossor (Senior Warden, Dr Christopher Gardner-Thorpe (President), Dr Noel Snell (Speaker), Professor Charles Mackworth-Young (Master), Dr Roy Palmer, Dr Derek Adams, My Nick Royle, Professor Michael Farthing (Junior Warden)


The Maccabaean Prize and Medal 2017 was awarded

(Above: left-right) Dr Joanna Pearson (Winner) and Mrs Valerie Garston (Maccabaean Representative)

Students from Barts, Queen Mary University of London visited and had a guided tour by one of our Archives volunteers, Dr John Ford


Members, and public networking!

If you missed the lecture, you can catch up on soundcloud! 
